A very busy Thursday making fire starters, straightening up the clothes closet and prepping the new clothes closet for painting.
Methodist Men taking gifts donated by Toys For Tots to the Quilcene Food Bank for their Christmas party. Thanks to our UMW and the Rainbow Girls for wrapping the gifts.
Thanksgiving Potluck in true Methodist covered dish style. So much delicious food! A real family feast.
We recently converted our old sanctuary into a missions work room. Making fire starters for the homeless.
United Methodist Women meeting featuring the Quilcene Food Bank and their efforts to raise money for their own building. Presented them a $173.50 check from our monthly spare change Jesus Cup to support the senior table.
Taking the bulk packages of beans from the food bank and assembling individual bags of bean soup mix. 255 bags ready to go back to the food bank for distribution.
Ecumenical hygiene kit project. We were joined by the ladies from Peace Lutheran Church to assemble kits to send to Texas for migrants being released from detention facilities.
Fauna Vivace performing at one of our Sunday afternoon concerts helping us raise $1,325.00 for The Recovery Cafe.
Volunteering at the Quilcene Food Bank. Our spare change “Jesus Cup” mission funds the Seniors Corner and Special Needs.
Before and after pictures of our new and refreshing paint job. Compliments our remodeled sanctuary. Come give us a look.
Benefit concert for Bayside Housing and Services featuring Sigrid Cummings and Singers In The Rain raising over $500.00.
Eat more eggs, do more laundry. Our fire starter program is an inexpensive way to be engaged in missions.
Bible authority Henry Jones talks to our UMW about the history of the Bible followed by a delicious lunch.
We did a lot of refreshing this year on our Sanctuary, Narthex, Nursery and Sunday School room. Love the smell of fresh paint!
24 people gathered for the first of seven Sunday Israeli meals that preceded a class entitled: Walking with Jesus Through the Galilee.
Great potluck after church with some leftovers from the meals we fixed for the Winter Shelter. Also scored a big bag of loose change for the Quilcene Food Bank and a bag of assorted underwear for Underweary Month.