A Name Above All Names
A Name Above All Names (Philippians 2: 5-11) By this time in the Apostle Paul’s ministry, he finds himself imprisoned in Rome but that doesn’t get him down. In fact, he’s very upbeat as [...]
Your Order Has Shipped
(Jeremiah 31: 31-34) Your Order Has Shipped I love ordering from Amazon. It’s so easy. You go online, find what you want, and place your order. Then you wait for the confirmation message and [...]
Here's the Zoom link if you want to check it out. https://greaternw.zoom.us/rec/share/GNbihiSnL-JKuwVdYX0cBJ-UCLcKt7rc4SxJ-s9U-OV2PlIqyyYhIGU-f2ip_miC.KVDcl68pj0JEWL3M Passcode: 3KAP=co# Nightcrawlers (John 3: 14-21) When I was a young Houston Police Officer, I worked the 3-11 shift which [...]
Hedging Your Bet
Hedging Your Bet (1 Corinthians 1: 18-25) Teresa and I recently binge-watched a television series called Young Sheldon. For those who are not familiar with it, the main character is Sheldon Cooper who is [...]
Losing The Old Life
Losing the Old Life (Mark 8: 31-38) When I was the Drug Court prosecutor for Jefferson County our addicts in recovery would regularly refer to their “old life” when talking about the way they [...]
Now Is The Time!
Now is the Time! (Mark 1: 1-15) Timing is everything. Both of my grandkids enjoyed cross country running through the Boys and Girls Club and Girls on the Run. They had two distinct running [...]