The New Creation
The New Creation (2 Corinthians 6: 1-13) In last week’s sermon I quoted John Wesley who said: If anyone be in Christ, there is a new creation. Only the power that makes a world [...]
Whose People?
Whose People? (2 Corinthians 5: 6-17) Back when I was in private practice in rural East Texas, I took cases outside of San Jacinto County to expand my practice and make ends meet. I [...]
It’s What Gets Us Out Of Bed
It’s What Gets Us Out of Bed (2 Corinthians 4: 13-5: 1) You hear a lot of people say they don’t “do” Facebook or that they’ve unfriended some of their friends who have posted [...]
Nobody Said it would be Easy!
Nobody Said it Would be Easy (2 Corinthians 4: 5-12) Some people would say I’m stubborn, hardheaded, and uncompromising, but I like to think I’m determined, committed, and focused. Some would say I’m a [...]
All In The Family
All In the Family (Romans 8: 12-17) I was blessed to have been born in 1952, making me a Baby Boomer, one of those kids born after the Second World War up to around [...]
Speaking My Language
Speaking My Language (Acts 2: 1-21) Houston in the late 1970s was a rapidly growing city with people coming from not only all parts of the country looking for work, but also people from [...]