The Yeast of These
Our faith in God is like the yeast a baker kneads into dough. As the bread bakes the yeast causes the bread to rise creating a rich and delicious loaf of bread. As our faith works its way into our very being our lives become enriched and meaningful as we work to reach the least, the last and the lost.
Weeds Are a Fact of Life
We are the seeds that God has sown in hopes that we will thrive and produce an abundant crop. Unfortunately, the evil one has sown weeds into the soil right along with us to impede our growth. Sometimes we need to ignore the weeds knowing that their time will come.
Weed and Feed
God is the Master Gardener and we, as his assistants, are charged with weeding and feeding the soil so those looking to grow in Christ can take root and thrive producing fruit.
We’re Not Afraid of the Dark
We are not afraid of the dark because we know Jesus is the light of the world.
Yes, No, Not Yet
God does have three basic responses to prayers. They may not be answered to your liking, but they will be answered.
It’s Just Not Fair!
The sweeping message of the Bible is not a promise that those who believe and do good will not suffer. Instead the Bible is largely a book about people who refused to let go of their faith in the face of suffering.