Our Best Self
God doesn't desire our being better than another. Rather, God desires that we become the best possible individuals we've been created to be.
Help Wanted
There is great joy in knowing that your efforts, whether seen or unseen, are making a difference in the lives of others.
It’s a Gift
Paul is telling us that God has a plan, and we are a part of that plan. We were redeemed for a reason, and we are given gifts to fulfill a greater purpose.
One Life to Live
Paul wants Titus to give the Cretans a practical way of living where they can start demonstrating their faith in good works by meeting the needs of other people.
Status Quo? Lord, No!
Jesus came to earth to change things, an agent of change, while countless others have been fighting to keep it the way they want it, non-threatening and within their comfort zone.
Searching and Seeking
After three days of looking, they found him in the temple. They were amazed at what they observed. Jesus was sitting among the teachers, listening to them and putting questions to them.