Because He Lives!
My client had questions and needed someone to explain things to him, and truthfully answer his questions.
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
That's the good in Good Friday. As the thief on the cross was about to die, he turned to Christ for forgiveness, and Christ accepted him.
Who Doesn’t Love a Parade?
The people were jubilant because Jesus was bringing salvation. God had heard their cries. Maybe things would finally change.
12 Steps to a Resurrected Life
Just because you've been saved and let Jesus into your life doesn't mean you can stop. There's always the possibility of a relapse.
I Once Was Blind
Life is not fair, and it wasn't meant to be that way. The sun rises on the evil and the good, just as it rains on the just and the unjust.
All in the Past
The message of this amazing encounter I that the gospel is for everyone, no matter of his or her race, social position, or past sins.