True Confessions
In order to be saved by the Law, a person would have to live a perfect life, not sinning once. How difficult would that be!
Who’s Your Samaritan?
Growing up they heard their friends and others in the community make racially offensive comments about "those" people.
Father Knows Best
But what God is doing through us may, more often than not, be for the good of some other person who God also loves.
Get Your Feet Wet
Peter's faith wavered when he realized what he was doing, and the confident, fearless fisherman began to flounder.
Lift Every Voice
God will separate his obedient followers from pretenders and unbelievers, because the real evidence of our belief is the way we act and treat others.
Who’s Your People?
So, who are these people of the new covenant? Who is it that makes up the family of God? Who did Jesus reach out to? Who were his people?