Where is the love?
We have to stay focused on the fact that self-sacrificial love is not happy with injustice and that what makes us happy is confronting injustice and getting results.
Asking for a Friend
We have to love God back and not disrespect him by the way we treat his creation, his great garden.
Creative Christianity
For people who are hungry, homeless and out of work, there is no better way for us to show God's love to them than to help provide for their physical needs.
Joy Like a Fountain
He's telling us to be joyful. But it's not the type of joy you experience when things are going well and your life just couldn't get any better.
When We All Get To Heaven
Don't make the assumption that your godly pedigree is a guarantee that you are assured a seat in first class and a special audience with the Father.
Getting Your Mind Right
You can approach life expecting to be served, or you can look for opportunities to serve others.