13December 2020
Who Are You?
We, like John, are not the source of God's light; we merely reflect the light.
6December 2020
Caught in the Act
He's asking what kind of life do you want to be leading when Jesus returns? What do you want Jesus to catch you in the act of doing?
29November 2020
The Eve of Destruction
Knowing that our future is secure is all we need to know to face the bleakness of tomorrow.
22November 2020
Strangers in a Strange Land
Christians must put their faith into action by resisting the seductions of their surrounding culture and helping the vulnerable in their midst.
15November 2020
Investment Opportunities
We are responsible to use what God has given us, and the issue is not how much we have, but how well we use what we do have.
8November 2020
Abide in Him
It seems as if the more we do, the more God gives us to do, and through the Holy Spirit we are provided with the resources to get the job done.