9May 2021
What a Friend We Have
And with Jesus as a calming and reassuring constant in our lives we will be able to love others as Jesus loved us.
2May 2021
This is How We Know
If you claim to love God, there are no qualifiers or exclusions. Love God, love others, serve others. It's just that simple.
25April 2021
One Shepherd, One Flock
His message is a message of diversity where all the sheep in the kingdom are valued.
18April 2021
But for the Grace of God
We really can't do anything for anyone in the name of Jesus Christ until we recognize our own failures and shortcomings.
28March 2021
The Plot Thickens
He knew his mission was to bring us closer to God, and his life was the price to be paid for that relationship.
21March 2021
The New Normal
Release control of your life and transfer control to me and I'll guarantee your eternal life and genuine joy.