31October 2021
The Transfer of Power
But the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God's own flesh and blood, is a serious commitment to us, God's fallen children.
24October 2021
Your Go To Guy
He's on call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week to make that perpetual intercession before God for us.
10October 2021
Called by God
As humanity's representative, Jesus intercedes for us before God; and as God's representative, he assures us of God's forgiveness.
3October 2021
Like Father, Like Son
Jesus Christ is the complete expression of God in a human body.
26September 2021
The Power of Prayer
God wants us to use prayer to focus on the problem and to sometimes use others to be the answer to our prayers.
19September 2021
The Gift of Wisdom
The wisdom from above enables God's people to live in a way that is pure, and then peaceful, gentle, obedient, filled with mercy and good actions, fair and genuine.