Word Games
To handle the word of truth correctly, we must study what the word of God says so we can truly and comprehensively understand what it means and apply it accordingly.
Refuge from the Storm
Well, first we have to recognize that it isn't a Democrat problem or a Republican problem, it's a human problem and should be dealt with as such.
Keeping it Simple
You have to commit to love people more than money, love God's work more than money, and freely share what you have with others.
Let it Ride with Jesus
If you let God become your master you will find the freedom you thought wealth could bring.
Isn’t Grace Amazing?
Don't be afraid to let others know what Christ has done for you and how his amazing grace has changed your life.
Go Big or Go Home
The essence of discipleship is to place all things into God's hands with the realization that following Jesus is not a trivial matter.