27November 2022
How Many Shopping Days?
Have we become complacent because we've been saved and think there is nothing else required of us?
20November 2022
Investing in the Future
Funding the church is just as important as funding missions. You can't have one without the other.
13November 2022
A Good Experience
Hospitality can happen in so many unexpected ways. We just have to open to the opportunities and unafraid to extend an open hand.
6November 2022
I’m Worried Too
We must take comfort in the fact that God is in control and that his goodness will eventually win out over evil.
23October 2022
An Attitude Adjustment
True humility keeps no track of good works and focuses upon confession and repentance.
16October 2022
Need to Know
Before Christ came, people could know God partially, but after he came, people could know God fully because he became visible and tangible in Christ.