
9January 2024

The Rest of the Story

January 9th, 2024|Sermons|

The Rest of the Story (Acts 19: 1-7)   I know what I’m about to say dates me, but it’s still relevant.  Some of us are old enough to remember listening to Paul Harvey’s radio [...]

27December 2023

I’ve Got a Secret

December 27th, 2023|Sermons|

I’ve Got a Secret (Luke 2: 1-20 & Romans 16: 25-27)   Back in the 1950s and 60s there was a very popular game show called I’ve Got a Secret which was a spin-off of [...]

18December 2023

Moved by the Spirit

December 18th, 2023|Sermons|

Moved By the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24)     The concept of the Holy Spirit is sometimes a difficult one for some people to grasp, particularly among those who do not believe or who [...]

18December 2023

Status Quo, No More

December 18th, 2023|Sermons|

Status Quo No More! (Mark 1: 1-8)   I was hired in Jefferson County as a Deputy Prosecutor in 2008.  The elected prosecutor was looking for an experienced trial attorney and I fit the bill [...]

6December 2023

Stay Alert

December 6th, 2023|Sermons|

Stay Alert! (Mark 13: 21-37)   Well, you’ve already seen the signs to remind you that Christmas is right around the corner.  We’ve already had Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday to remind [...]

28November 2023

How Can We Help

November 28th, 2023|Sermons|

How Can We Help? (2 Corinthians 9: 1-15)   It’s that time of the year again, that time when it seems as if everyone has their hand out for a donation to a no doubt [...]

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