Lifting the Veil
Lifting the Veil (2 Corinthians 3-4:2) I love those conversations that start with: “You know what it says in the Bible” because I know they’re about to go all Old Testament on me. And [...]
What Aboutism
What Aboutism (Luke 6: 27-38) One of the challenges of practicing criminal law, whether as a prosecutor or a defense attorney, was responding to a client’s plea of: What about this or what about [...]
If You’re Happy and You Know It
If You’re Happy and You Know It (Luke 6: 17-26) Many of you, like me, grew up in church and as a small child learned what I guess we can call Children’s Praise Songs. [...]
Let’s Go Fishing!
Let’s Go Fishing! (Luke 5: 1-11) It was many years ago when I was a young police officer when I mentioned to one of my training officers that my in-laws lived on Lake Livingston [...]
Speaking Truth to Power
Speaking Truth to Power (Luke 4: 21-30) A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that the District Superintendent asked me to consider being the Puget Sound Missional District representative on the Conference Board of [...]
Part Time is Plenty
Part-time is Plenty (1 Corinthians 12: 12-31) I recently finished reading a book that the District Superintendent recommended to me entitled: Part-time is Plenty: Thriving Without Full-Time Clergy, written by part-time pastor Jeffrey MacDonald. [...]