Casting a Wide Net
When Jesus asks us to severe him we must be like the disciples and do it at once casting a wide net to bring as many as we possibly can to Him.
When Jesus asks us to severe him we must be like the disciples and do it at once casting a wide net to bring as many as we possibly can to Him.
Being the kind of Christian that God desires is something you grow into.
As we focus on the other person and his or her needs, God will communicate our caring attitude and our words will be natural, loving, and compelling.
Solomon's point is that God has a plan for all people, his creation, and thus, he provides cycles of life, each with its work for us to do.
God has put his son in charge of the family business.
It's amazing how much room the human heart has if you will just open it to the possibilities love affords. It's a home with many rooms.
God loves, forgives, and accepts us unconditionally and he expects us to do the same.
Have we become complacent because we've been saved and think there is nothing else required of us?
Funding the church is just as important as funding missions. You can't have one without the other.
Hospitality can happen in so many unexpected ways. We just have to open to the opportunities and unafraid to extend an open hand.