

Keeping It Simple

Keeping it Simple (1 Thessalonians 2: 1-13)   In all the different careers I’ve had there was a basic approach and job description.  One that thankfully didn’t involve any math other than counting by tens, twenties, and hundreds.  Policing was pretty basic.  Answer your radio when called, take a report, conduct a basic investigation, and [...]

2023-11-07T09:53:52-08:00November 7th, 2023|Sermons|


Polyticks (Matthew 22: 15-22)   In Texas the play-on-words description that we had for politics was: “Polyticks” as in many bloodsucking parasites.  And like every joke there was a kernel of truth behind the joke that made it all the funnier or tragically true.  And I can tell you that I know this from experience, [...]

2023-10-29T14:57:24-07:00October 22nd, 2023|Sermons|

Making Room

It's amazing how much room the human heart has if you will just open it to the possibilities love affords. It's a home with many rooms.

2022-12-28T10:06:26-08:00December 24th, 2022|Sermons|
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