

Sowing and Reaping

The seeds of neglect, apathy, indifference and inattention that were planted years ago are about to produce a harvest of monumental human tragedy, and it should be our call to action just as it was for John Wesley over 200 years ago.

2019-07-09T11:28:20-07:00July 7th, 2019|Sermons|

In Step With the Spirit

If we want the fruit of the Spirit to grow in us, we must join our lives to his. We must know him, love him, remember him, and imitate him because faith without works is dead.

2019-07-03T10:18:51-07:00June 30th, 2019|Sermons|

Building Character

6/16/2019 Building Character People will look at how you handle your misfortune with grace and humility and will say to themselves that there must be something to this God thing.

2019-06-18T14:54:20-07:00June 16th, 2019|Sermons|

It’s Not Complicated

5/19/19 It's Not Complicated We cannot truly love God while neglecting to love those who are also created in his image, even if they are just little black boys who only want to play baseball with other little boys.

2019-05-23T12:09:46-07:00May 19th, 2019|Sermons|

The Good Redneck

There probably aren't too many issues where we couldn't reach some sort of common ground, but the hatred and disdain is so great that neither side is willing to yield, for fear it might be seen as some sort of weakness.

2019-05-17T13:23:46-07:00May 12th, 2019|Sermons|

Why me, Lord?

I think the message here is that we will all be called upon to do things in the service of the Lord that we may not want to do, but do it, we must.

2019-05-10T11:32:04-07:00May 5th, 2019|Sermons|

Everyone Counts!

In that one sentence, Peter referenced the trinity, the triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, all working together for the benefit of everyone, with Jesus as the human being for others.

2019-04-26T11:43:17-07:00April 21st, 2019|Sermons|
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