Fighting the Good Fight
My life, as your pastor, is driven by this one question: If we closed our doors, if the lights went out, would anybody miss us?
My life, as your pastor, is driven by this one question: If we closed our doors, if the lights went out, would anybody miss us?
But we have to be careful, because money can easily take God's place in our lives. It can become your master. And, an unforgiving one at that.
Paul knew he had some pretty serious baggage, but he also recognized that God was going to use him as a beacon of hope for other sinners to show them that God is all-forgiving and still sees their value, even if nobody else can.
9/08/19 Ask Not But following Jesus requires more. It requires getting up. It requires leaving; leaving comfort, family, friends and that which you enjoy, how you occupy your spare time.
To God, it's not important where you sit or what your earthly status is. service to others is more important in God's kingdom than a person's status.
We Christians may be able to talk the Christian talk, but when it comes right down to it, can we walk the Christian walk, especially when it doesn't fit into our schedule or may be inconvenient?
8/18/19 Eating the Elephant I recently had one tearful woman promise to come back if she needed anything else. Her desperation was palpable, so intense and real, as real as her tears.
We must remember that God always provides what his church needs, whether it is the greater church, or the church in Antioch, or the little church located at 130 Church Lane, Port Hadlock, Washington.
But we're not about the status quo, especially when it doesn't serve God's most vulnerable children. Our calling is about hope and change. Hope for the hopeless and change for the last, the least and the lost.
7/14/19 Keeping the Faith I think the crux of the issue is that we have to remember that God's word is not just for our information, it's for our transformation.