

World Peace

World Peace (Luke 2: 1-20)   The running joke at my house every Christmas for the last forty plus years is my response to what I want for Christmas this year.  And every year, when asked, I respond: World Peace.  This year my daughter told me that she knew I wanted World Peace, but she [...]

2024-12-26T10:45:26-08:00December 26th, 2024|Sermons|

Mary Did You Know?

Mary, Did You Know? (Luke 1: 39-55)   We’ve all had big dreams growing up.  We’ve dreamt of fame and fortune.  We’ve dreamt of being a doctor, an astronaut, or maybe President of the United States.  Afterall, we’re told that because we live in the United States of America, the greatest country in the world, [...]

2024-12-23T13:23:39-08:00December 23rd, 2024|Sermons|

God’s Produce Department

God’s Produce Department (Luke 3: 7-18)   Did you ever notice how nice and arranged the produce department is in most grocery stores?  All the fruits and vegetables look so good and fresh, neatly arranged and recently washed.  I like the peppers, bright red, dark green, vibrant yellow, eye-popping orange, and don’t forget the jalapenos [...]

2024-12-19T07:29:01-08:00December 19th, 2024|Sermons|

Yes, Even You!

Yes, Even You (Luke 3: 1-6)   It’s not that I was naïve growing up or ignorant to issues like racism and exclusion.  I grew up in the 1960s and got to see these struggles play out on the evening news and listening in on conversations around the table when the whole family would gather [...]

2024-12-10T07:37:20-08:00December 10th, 2024|Sermons|

Stay Alert!

Stay Alert! (Luke 21: 20-36)   When I was a police officer there was an observational tool that we had to learn called situational awareness that would soon, if you were good at it, develop into an invaluable habit that helped you spot irregularities and things that might become problematic.  Apparently, I was, and am, [...]

2024-12-03T07:15:47-08:00December 3rd, 2024|Sermons|

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert! (Revelation 1: 1-8)   I love books and movies of almost all types.  And it doesn’t matter to me whether or not I know the outcome.  Who would read a book or watch a movie if they knew the outcome?  Yeah, I get that but sometimes the backstory is more interesting than the [...]

2024-11-25T07:40:06-08:00November 25th, 2024|Sermons|

Need To Know

Need to Know (Hebrews 10: 11-25)   When I was a cadet in the Houston Police Academy, we were told by our instructors that there were two types of knowledge: good to know and need to know.  Good to know information usually fell into the commonsense category of a handy piece of information that could [...]

2024-11-19T07:58:18-08:00November 19th, 2024|Sermons|

But I Am Guilty

But I Am Guilty! (Hebrews 9: 24-28)   Back when I practiced criminal defense one of the first things I told my new clients after I patiently listened to their side of the story was that they had three options.  Their first option was to enter a plea of not guilty and demand a jury [...]

2024-11-12T07:20:31-08:00November 12th, 2024|Sermons|

If You Had Been Here

If You Had Been Here (John 11: 32-44)               It was last year in December that my younger brother passed away suddenly.  He had mentioned to my mother that he wasn’t feeling well and noticed blood in his urine.  She urged him to see a doctor, but he declined reasoning that it was probably [...]

2024-11-05T07:41:26-08:00November 5th, 2024|Sermons|

I Want To See

I Want to See (Mark 10: 46-52)   One of the good things about Facebook is that occasionally you see a post worth seeing, one that makes you feel good, one that makes you smile.  I saw one some time ago that was really heartwarming and made me smile.  It was a video of an [...]

2024-10-29T07:26:35-07:00October 29th, 2024|Sermons|
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