Filling the Potholes
The gospel comes to people and places on its way to others, through a community of people gathered for the advancement of a cause.
The gospel comes to people and places on its way to others, through a community of people gathered for the advancement of a cause.
Jesus is saying that a lot is going to happen and that we will all be around as a people to see it happen.
The kingdom of God spreads through believers' concerns and eagerness to help others.
It was the baggage of their past that had a death grip on their future.
It's knowing that a new Jerusalem is coming that helps to shape the identity and mission of Christian communities, calling us to live as a foretaste of what God is up to in the world.
But the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God's own flesh and blood, is a serious commitment to us, God's fallen children.
He's on call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week to make that perpetual intercession before God for us.
As humanity's representative, Jesus intercedes for us before God; and as God's representative, he assures us of God's forgiveness.
Jesus Christ is the complete expression of God in a human body.
God wants us to use prayer to focus on the problem and to sometimes use others to be the answer to our prayers.